White Papers

We’re bringing you a library of sponsored white papers that will make you more knowledgeable on a number of subjects near and dear to your net worth. Written by experts in their field, these detailed reports provide the latest thinking on everything restaurant and foodservice related.

Innovation In Food Delivery

Opportunities to Differentiate Through Use of Active Temperature Management

Guest Lifetime Value: The Real North-Star Metric for Restaurants

Did you know 60% of a restaurant’s revenue is driven by ~20% of guests? That’s why top brands are laser-focused on guest lifetime value.

Download Olo’s latest ebook to learn all about lifetime value—one of the most critical guest insights—why it matters more than ever, and how to use it to drive profitable growth.

Food for Work, Off-Premise Operations

Delve into strategies to align technology, customer services, and reliability to ensure off-premise business growth.

Key tips to grow your Storefront sales

On average, restaurants see a 26% increase in sales on DoorDash after adding Storefront. In this free guide, you’ll learn how to grow your Storefront sales.

  • Optimize your Storefront website: Make sure your site and menu are driving customers to order.   
  • Drive customers to order with Storefront: Use social media, email, third-party sites, and marketing promotions to spread the word.
  • And more!

Uber | Edelman: Customer expectations of on-demand delivery

On-demand delivery has become a crucial tool for businesses to build customer loyalty. Nailing the last mile of the customer journey provides a strategic opportunity for businesses of all sizes to increase their bottom line and win over customers. It’s no longer just table stakes but inextricably tied to product and customer satisfaction.

By placing the customer at the center of delivery, on-demand is now the ultimate love language for merchants to grow customer trust and build their brand.

Learn what customers expect from your business, especially when it comes to express delivery–defined as delivery within 2 hours.