Juicer wants to help restaurants compare prices with competitors easily—and for free.

The restaurant menu pricing and intelligence company has launched a free version of its Juicer Compete tool for restaurants in the U.S. This allows restaurants to compare their menu prices with competitors on third-party delivery marketplaces.

Ashwin Kamlani, co-founder and CEO of Juicer, said he’s heard that operators spend hours monitoring competitor menu prices manually. He hopes automating this process will save significant time.

“This has become a complex problem,” Kamlani told Food On Demand. “As restaurants are trying to respond to inflation, dealing with labor laws, worried about consumer price sensitivity, and frequent price changes.”

Here’s how it works: Restaurants can select five competitors and choose up to 20 menu items to compare on third-party marketplace platforms like Uber Eats and GrubHub. They receive a weekly report via email and in-app, detailing these comparisons. They can set up alerts to track menu price changes and promotions.

Kamlani said this version of Juicer Compete will remain free indefinitely.

“We want to give back to an industry that has embraced us,” he said. “The way I described it to my team was to look at when Google started. They didn’t tell everybody, Oh we’re going to charge you to use our search engine. They just built a search engine and they made it so good that everybody started using it. And that allowed them to establish relationships with so many different, potential customers.”

Additionally, Juicer offers a paid version of the pricing comparison service, already in use by large QSR brands. Called ‘Juicer Compete Enterprise’, the advanced competitive analysis tech compares both first and third-party menu prices. It offers an unlimited number of menu item comparisons from regional and national brands—and uses AI to analyze value meals and bundles.

Restaurants interested in the free version of Juicer Compete can sign up at https://juicerpricing.com/free-compete.