PizzaForno, the manufacturer of 24/7 automatic pizza vending machines, is working with Irving Consulting to expand its presence in the United States.

Earlier this year, PizzaForno made its presence known in the U.S. by successfully launching in Utah, Delaware, New York, Florida, and Maryland, establishing 39 new units across the nation. As of today, PizzaForno has introduced its vending machines at three locations across California. With this new partnership, PizzaForno seeks to continue to expand and spread its machines across the state, with the goal of establishing a PizzaForno inside every convenience store.

“Our 24/7 automatic machines embody everything customers seek in a convenience store appliance,” said Travis Musser, Master Licensee for PizzaForno Southern California and Washington State, in a statement. “With how connected Invig Consulting is to the convenience store industry, we’re confident that our vending machines will become available to more stores and eventually become an essential component for the convenience store experience.”

“PizzaForno allows store owners to introduce a new product to their customers efficiently and reliably without having to pay for the extra training, labor, and materials that would come with running a pizza-making operation within their store,” said Bassem Nowyhed, CEO of Invig Consulting. “These vending machines are a no-brainer for stores to have an edge over their competitors and introduce a new line of revenue.”

Founded in 2018 by Canadian entrepreneurs William Moyer and Les Tomlin, PizzaForno is North America’s only automated pizzeria, which introduces high-quality pizza in less than five minutes. Accessible 24/7 at the tap of a digital screen, PizzaForno offers a selection of pizza options, each made with high-quality ingredients. Utilizing technology made popular in France by ADIAL, PizzaForno has built the brand on a proven food tech platform with already 2,200 operating in Europe. PizzaForno currently has over 70 operating locations, over 100 additional locations committed in the U.S. alone, and over 30 U.S. locations already established in California, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Michigan, Virginia, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.