Two significant industry surveys recently came out, one voicing the opinions of consumers and the other operators, both revealing agreement in two areas: kiosks and loyalty programs.

Tillster polled more than 1,000 U.S.-based quick-service and fast-casual diners about their digital ordering expectations, both inside and off-premises. One of their findings shows that diners are increasingly comfortable with kiosks. Fifty-seven percent of those who use kiosks wish restaurants had more available. This is compared to 36 percent who said the same thing last year. More than that, 83 percent of diners expect kiosks to offer the same capabilities provided by cashiers, which is an increase from 77 percent in the previous year.

Qu reports similar affection from the operator side. In a survey of 179 enterprise brands representing 62,000 U.S. locations, 44 percent say they plan to add a kiosk as a new ordering channel in 2024, which is a sizable jump from 2022.

Loyalty programs are also mutually admired. In the Tillster poll, 61 percent of diners say they belong to at least one loyalty program, and 58 percent are very or somewhat likely to recommend a QSR based on a positive personalized ordering experience. Drilling down further, 48 percent of diners expect order customization, 46 percent loyalty anniversaries, 43 percent tailored loyalty offers and 38 percent remembering of preferred order.

Qu’s poll shows that when it comes to loyalty programs, operators don’t need their arms twisted, although they could use some guidance on how to deliver satisfaction. In its survey results, 80 percent of brands say their current loyalty programs aren’t getting it done. Forty-five percent are interested in enhancing its experience engagement, 39 percent want to provide frictionless sign-up and 28 percent would value better guest payment variety.

The complete reports of the findings are available here and here.