In what could be a sign of things to come in other parts of the world, France is reportedly taking steps to restrict where so-called “dark stores” can locate within cities. Alternatively called micro-fulfillment centers, these locations enable delivery providers to fulfill orders and are especially prevalent with instant grocery providers like Gorillas, Getir and Cajoo.
According to a BBC story, the action comes as neighborhoods and city officials have complained about the noise, traffic and blank storefronts cropping up in most major European cities. While concerns about traffic and noise are common fixtures in any city planning meeting regardless of country, the rise of rapid grocery delivery in Europe has also led to concerns about storefronts that are not open to the public for on-the-spot shopping.
“We can’t sleep anymore,” said one resident, Samira, who was interviewed by the BBC and lives in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. “There is constant scooter noise, and the drivers hang outside till one in the morning, smoking weed and urinating on the street.”
Because there’s “no possibility of buying goods inside” such locations, the French national government is looking to reclassify dark stores as warehouse facilities—rather than shops—to further dictate where such locations are appropriate. The move could lead to the closure of existing locations across the country.
The story added that there are approximately 80 dark stores in Paris, a city internationally known for its walkable, pedestrian-friendly streets. In recent years, the French capital has taken public space from cars in favor of more pedestrian and bicycle routes.
The piece quoted a government official saying that once the decree is finalized, “there will be no ambiguity” and local mayors will then have powers to act if they so choose.