by Tom Kaiser | Jan 11, 2019 | News, Third-Party Delivery
I’m a sucker for year-end lists, and Bite Squad has fueled my fire with its most popular restaurant delivery picks of 2018, both for the country as a whole and for a good number of the recently acquired brand’s top markets. The top four picks—wings, burgers, pizza and...
by Tom Kaiser | Jan 3, 2019 | News
It’s been a few months since Target launched its Drive Up service where orders are delivered free of charge to motorists dwelling in designated spaces in the parking lot. Even though I wasn’t hungover on New Year’s Day, it was below zero in Minneapolis so I might as...
by Tom Kaiser | Nov 21, 2018 | Meal Kits, News
Grocery shopping for the lazy, busy or somewhere in between has never been easier. As my town just outside Minneapolis anxiously awaits a proposed Hy-Vee grocery store, I’m looking forward to the possibilities as the company launches lunchtime and dinner delivery in...
by Tom Kaiser | Aug 10, 2018 | Third-Party Delivery
I’m a city fanatic, but live in a first-ring suburb. My humble ’burb for the last two years is technically classified as an urban area, but just outside the grid-style neighborhoods of Minneapolis. Our delivery options have been lackluster, and has been the hardest...
by Tom Kaiser | Jul 12, 2018 | News
I just spent an extended lunch hour careening down the streets of downtown Minneapolis on an electric scooter and nothing will ever be the same—my life, your life, urban mobility and that persistently challenging last-mile problem faced by delivery companies and...