by Tom Kaiser | May 22, 2019 | Best Practices, News, Research
If you’re Uber, Grubhub or DoorDash directing a huge fleet of delivery drivers or a restaurant with a lean-and-mean in-house delivery team, you have a vested interest in making sure your drivers are as safe as possible. Whether it’s causing an accident or just being a...
by Nicholas Upton | May 22, 2019 | News, Research, Third-Party Delivery
Last week, research firm AlixPartners put out an interesting look on where the delivery world goes next, and one key part of the next delivery phase looks like it may be coming fast. According to that survey, the U.S. delivery market is in the middle of “Wave 2,”...
by Nicholas Upton | May 22, 2019 | Briefs, News, Research, Third-Party Delivery
Bite Squad, now a subsidiary of Waitr, released data around what people order during the summer months. In a list predicting this summer’s fastest-growing delivery items, the company pointed to high-growth items seen last summer between June 1 and August 31. This...
by Tom Kaiser | May 16, 2019 | News, Research, Third-Party Delivery, Top Stories
There’s no shortage of marketing options for a restaurant these days, be it print ads, billboards, loyalty programs or a snarky social media presence—but have you ever tried paying cab fare to bring customers directly to your restaurant? This is now a thing, and it...
by Nicholas Upton | May 16, 2019 | News, Research, Third-Party Delivery
Home consumer delivery usage seems to be driven by available technology, but according to a model from research firm AlixPartners there are three phases that are largely pushed by consumer desires. In its new survey, AlixPartners adds some context to what it sees as...
by Nicholas Upton | May 16, 2019 | Best Practices, News, Research
Operators have to make some tweaks to get into a shared kitchen space successfully. It can be easy for the right brands, but even those with small menus and few ingredients will have things to learn. Melissa Surby-Curtin, the director of franchise operations at The...