DoorDash has launched a new program to provide merchants on its platform with discounted products and services, including healthcare, hiring and staff management, as well as mental health and educational benefits. As part of the new Merchant Benefits program, the...
DoorDash and Wing Aviation are beginning to make drone deliveries via the DoorDash app in Australia this week with a goal of delivering meals and retail goods within 15 minutes. Launching this week, the service will be tested via a pilot program in London, located...
DoorDash, the largest U.S.-based third-party delivery provider, confirmed it has begun a pilot allowing customers to reserve tables for in-person dining. The company declined to offer any details, but the functionality currently is operational in three of the largest...
Framing the agreement as “stepping up to answer the President’s call to action,” DoorDash has partnered with Walgreens to provide COVID-19 treatments to people living in underserved communities across the U.S. The partnership will facilitate free delivery of Paxlovid...
Serve Robotics, an autonomous sidewalk delivery company, announced that former DoorDash executive, Prahar Shah, has joined the company as its chief revenue officer. Shah will lead Serve’s commercial efforts and oversee the new partnerships and new verticals team as...
Food On Demand Outstanding Operators features restaurant brands with innovative operations that are taking creative paths to success with delivery and all things off-premises.