Seven years ago, Tony Colley found himself food insecure. Despite a former, long career in corporate finance, a failed business venture left him with only a few hundred dollars to his name while living in Toronto. Colley eventually landed a part-time job for a local...
Divert, a Massachusetts-based technology firm that turns food waste into renewable natural gas, is gearing up for nationwide expansion via a $1 billion infrastructure development agreement with Canadian energy company Enbridge. Alongside the development agreement, the...
Jokr, the New York-based instant grocery delivery startup, has partnered with Too Good To Go to reduce food waste and “save the planet, one delivery at a time.” The Denmark-based application connects customers to restaurants and stores with unsold food surplus, and is...
Outstanding Operators
Food On Demand Outstanding Operators features restaurant brands with innovative operations that are taking creative paths to success with delivery and all things off-premises.