by Nicholas Upton | Sep 18, 2019 | Research, Third-Party Delivery
Meals 4 Six-Inch Heels is not your typical food-delivery startup. For one, the founder isn’t a young, white dude pounding out code in a Bay Area WeWork. Founder Nikeisah Newton is a black, gay and social-justice minded chef living and working in Portland. And her...
by Nicholas Upton | Sep 13, 2019 | News, Third-Party Delivery
Drone maker Flirtey has unveiled its delivery-ready flagship aerial drone design. The drone represents the market-ready evolution for the company that has been making real world deliveries since 2016. CEO and Founder Matthew Sweeny said that real-world trial by fire...
by Nicholas Upton | Sep 11, 2019 | News, Third-Party Delivery, Top Stories
The California legislature passed a hotly contested bill that if signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom would reshape the gig economy in California and likely beyond. Basically, Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), codifies a California Supreme Court ruling that states that...
by Nicholas Upton | Sep 5, 2019 | Best Practices, Briefs, News, Third-Party Delivery
Grubhub this week announced new functionality dubbed “perks.” The new in-app feature means new options for diners and restaurant owners to better tailor the experience and potentially entice diners to order from them. It might not seem like a huge deal, but for a long...
by Nicholas Upton | Sep 5, 2019 | Best Practices, News, Third-Party Delivery
Postmates has made it much, much easier to order with friends, coworkers and anyone else with its new Group Orders option. In another notable app functionality update this week (along with Grubhub adding “perks”), Postmates created a new way to order as a group. With...