by fodnews | Jan 9, 2019 | Briefs, News, Research, Third-Party Delivery
Getting inebriated at home is about to become even easier with news that Pizza Hut is boosting its beer delivery pilot to a second round of states equating to nearly 300 restaurants across Florida, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina and Ohio—with additional locations...
by fodnews | Jan 9, 2019 | Briefs, News, Research
U.S. consumers are predicted to continue migrating online for grocery shopping, with a new study suggesting online grocery sales will expand an additional 15% during 2019, increasing the overall share captured online in 2019 to 6.3%; however, providers that offer...
by fodnews | Dec 12, 2018 | Briefs, News, Third-Party Delivery, Top Stories
Heading anywhere during the holidays or beyond? Be forewarned: you may get hungry. In an interesting partnership—one of countless announced with delivery providers in recent weeks—TripAdvisor has partnered with DoorDash in more than 1,800 cities throughout North...
by fodnews | Dec 12, 2018 | Best Practices, Briefs, News
Panera Bread has reportedly passed $2 billion in digital sales this year, double the previous year, as the brand launches a new breakfast delivery program starting with 231 cities and towns across the country. In a press release, Panera said breakfast can now be...
by Nicholas Upton | Dec 10, 2018 | Automation, Briefs
Wing, the drone arm of Alphabet, is heading to Helsinki next year. Wing has become a proper company or “graduated” within the company, meaning it’s no longer just a moonshot. And this test implies the technology is ready for prime time. The Helsinki test will be a...
by fodnews | Oct 10, 2018 | Briefs, News
A consumer behavior survey from consulting firm ChangeUp found the growth of restaurant delivery is not hurting dine-in traffic and could even spur visits. The survey of nearly 450 consumers who recently used common third-party delivery options noted 58 percent of...