Known for its imaginative and sometimes eccentric flavors, Voodoo Doughnut continues to spur growth since its fruition nearly 20 years ago. Friends and entertainment-oriented Kenneth “Cat Daddy” Pogson and Tres Shannon collaborated on creating Voodoo Doughnut, a...
Tattle, a customer feedback technology platform, announced an integration with Bite, a digital ordering solutions software company that simplifies the customer experience via a suite of products. Bite’s kiosk ordering software is present in fast-casual, quick-serve...
In a new collection of guest sentiment data from the feedback platform Tattle, the customer is not all that happy and off-premises experiences especially could have been better. Overall, sentiment since January 2021 has declined across the board. Dine-in, takeout and...
Two of the biggest names in the customer experience and retention categories—Tattle and Thanx—have teamed up through a new partnership that will make it easier for restaurants to issue rewards, recover guests and communicate with customers based on their individual...
Outstanding Operators
Food On Demand Outstanding Operators features restaurant brands with innovative operations that are taking creative paths to success with delivery and all things off-premises.